Who I am:

Hello! My name is Anna K. and I'm a self-taught mixed-media artist. I live in Eastern North Carolina with my husband, Bruce, our two sons, a sprightly dog named, Luke, and a little moppet of a canine named Bentleigh.

Though I've always been creative, I began to take my journey as an artist more seriously after the birth of our second son and the death of my Mom, both in 2009. I was in desperate need of a way to process some pretty big and devastating emotions, so I turned to art. 

I've created and facilitated multiple online and in-person art engagement programs and workshops. Through social media, I share my personal artistic messes and discoveries with others along the way. I like sharing what I'm learning with other people. As the daughter of two educators, one could say I'm an apple who didn't fall far from the tree.

To read more about my work experience as a resident artist and program manager of a military art program and my volunteer work at an arts council go here.

I’m currently offering a community for local artists and makers in Eastern N.C. called Onslow Originals. I’m also offering open studio art sessions for military service members, their loved ones, and caregivers through a program called The M.A.G. - The Military Art Group.



What you'll find here:

Here you'll find an open table where you can pull up a comfy chair and - I hope - learn a bit about creating multiple kinds of art and how to cultivate and enjoy your own creative practice.

I'm on an adventure to learn all I can about art and creativity and I enjoy sharing what I've learned with others.

You'll also find my musings on how creativity, art, and life impact one another. I’m big on processing and that will sometimes find its way here in my writing as well as my visual art.



A note from me to you:

It's okay to make art that's not pretty or neat.

It's okay to make art not everyone likes or understands.

It's okay to make art that asks questions for which there are no easy or comfortable answers.

It's okay to make art that's just for you.

It's okay to make art you sell.

It's okay to make art you don't sell.

Oh, and mistakes and messes? Those will happen. 

Create anyway.

The more you create, the more you'll discover what and how you like to create. You'll develop your own artistic style and voice. You will connect with yourself and, hopefully, with others.

Don't have the best supplies? Use what you have until you can get better. There's no shame in that. NONE.

Worried about wasting supplies? The only wasted supplies I’ve ever seen are those that aren’t being used.

Life is short. Use the supplies!

Make with whatever you have, in whichever way you like, however you can. 

Enjoy your adventure.

