Searching for Home
Sometimes an idea for a painting presents itself as an image. Other times, it's in a story.
Searching for Home, in a rare occurrence, came to me as both.
Searching for Home, pictured with its Award of Merit ribbon.
The Image:
Two women comforting one another in the foreground, one holding a key, and both holding a space for home within themselves. In the distance, the vague shape of a home behind a fence with no gate.
The Story:
So many souls are searching for home.
Home in the form of safety and acceptance. Home as a a physical space. Or, sometimes, they're searching for both.
In this painting, these souls are holding home for one another. They've created a safe space both for themselves as individuals and for one another.
It takes strength, commitment, and no small amount of love to do that.
This year I've been making more of an effort to share my art locally. Our local Council for the Arts has been so welcoming and I've put my art in both their Spring and Fall Juried Shows. I was surprised and delighted to have won an award in each show. I was awarded an Onslow County Artist award in the Spring show and my Searching for Home piece won an Award of Merit.
Like I said, I was both surprised and delighted!
I've met and become friends with some very supportive souls in the last couple of years who've encouraged me to share my art locally. They also help hold me accountable when I say I'm going to enter more local shows...and then feel the urge to back out. They're encouragement coupled with the continued support of my hubs, Bruce, and my Dad has helped me be brave.
I am grateful.